September Member Lunch

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Skewers

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Our guest speaker is Marian Kaanon, CEO, from Stanislaus Community Foundation.

Stanislaus Community Foundation has been connecting donors to local causes since 2002.

Stanislaus Community Foundation exists for one reason – to improve the lives of the residents and the vibrancy of the unique and diverse communities throughout Stanislaus County.

They do that by bringing people together from all sectors, to tackle issues larger than any one of them. They ask bold questions, listen deeply to the answers and look at data in new ways. They hold themselves and their partners accountable to better outcomes. They work daily to create a vibrant community that all of us can be proud to call home.

They bring together philanthropists, dollars and ideas to build a better Stanislaus today and tomorrow. Their work and leadership is focused on closing the opportunity gap through advancing educational attainment, economic opportunity and civic engagement.

We look forward to this presentation and seeing everyone there!

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